Types and benefits of visual content

 People interact more with creative visual content than textual content, which requires full focus and more time to absorb the content and message of this content, so the best solution to ensure increased interaction by the target groups of marketing and advertising campaigns is to exploit the features of visual content in various marketing campaigns and the daily operations of commercial activities and most digital marketing agencies in Egypt pay a huge attention to the benefits of visual content.

There are many features of visual content that can be used to achieve multiple benefits for commercial activities and projects, the most important of which are:

  • Developing the level of marketing and advertising campaigns and achieving the desired results
  • Increase engagement and engagement with all forms of visual content in marketing campaigns
  • Increase and support the content message in the minds of viewers for a long and long period
  • Motivate your target customers to make the desired reaction from the visual content
  • Add a huge value to the brand and create a good communication with the target audience
  • Clarify what your business offers in terms of products or services
  • Get a better chance of appearing in the search results of websites
  • Get a better ROI than marketing costs
we seek to clarify all that visual content can add from the development of activities and commercial projects and to determine the appropriate types of visual content for each marketing campaign or situations.

Types of visual content

The types of visual content vary and the appropriate platforms vary for optimizing each type, including traditional platforms (TV and radio channels - newspapers and magazines - outdoor billboards - conferences and marketing events) or digital platforms (websites - social media platforms - virtual reality applications - electronic games - applications. Mobile phones).

Each type of visual content has the ability to achieve the expected results from its use in the event that the most appropriate platform for its promotion is chosen, which corresponds to the type of content and the audience on this platform, for example, appropriate visual content for social media sites will not be suitable for conferences, marketing events or also advertisements. Commercial on television and radio.

  • Graphic designs and illustrations
  • Commercials (TV ads)
  • Video Marketing
  • Documentaries and brand films
  • Virtual Reality (VR) apps
  • 360 ° panoramic photos and videos
  • Professional photographic content


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