The difference between developing websites and developing design pages?

There are many beginners in the world of website Development Services or would like to enter it, they are confused when choosing the path in the One Million Arab Programmers Initiative or any other course, but I received messages a short while ago stating that they did not differentiate between developing websites and developing website pages and The best among them and what to choose, my brother and sister do not complicate the issue. Make it simpler and think a little to find the answer, as I am not a professional web developer, but I know the answer that can help you in differentiating and choosing between the two because at the end I am a programmer, so let's start on God's blessing in explaining the topic:

First: Website Development:

In short, your job is to write the code for the site that makes it more systemic and interactive and contains programming features that you prefer over other sites. You are the one who writes the code and solves all possible programming problems and protects it if possible, and you must master several specific programming languages, and I think that the language that began to dominate the field of website development is Python, of course, because it is the easiest and best ever. All websites began to use Python because they saw in it the best and suitable language for them and their clients, in short, "web developer".

Second: Developing design pages:

Have you ever entered a specific site and was amazed at its beauty, elegant design, and attractive and harmonious colors? You have liked the site, and in this case the site owner won in acquiring a new fan for his site and this is all thanks to the fact that he submitted to a professional website page developer, then The website page developer is the one who makes the website attractive and comfortable for the user in all respects, and it is an easy-to-learn field that only needs to create my visualization, reading and knowing the minds of users and what they want and love. Short is "web design".

Now: What is the difference between them and what should I choose:

On the one hand the teams have known each of them in a beautiful way that helps you visualize and differentiate between them, they are only programming and the other design and the site becomes ready, but what do you choose and which is better in terms of financial income and the best work? In my opinion, and as a programmer, I prefer developing websites because it is a wonderful programming profession full of secrets "and money as well :)", and ultimately as a web developer you can learn and easily develop web pages and you will kill two birds with one stone, my friend, as for developing pages Websites will work as a designer somewhat. You always think about the user what he likes and what he wants, and how you can win your customers and your audience, but you will become somewhat lazy. You do not like programming and you perceive it as a difficult field and you do not have a desire to learn them together ... And in the end, learn to develop web sites and then learn them together if you like.


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