Your comprehensive guide to learn Android application programming


What do you need to start programming Android applications?

In fact, you do not need anything fancy or a computer with super specifications or a specific system, unlike iOS application programming that requires owning a “Mac” computer (MAC), when programming Android applications you only need the will and determination to learn. 

Your choice to develop applications for the Android system opens two doors for you. The first section is programming an exclusive native application for the Android system using the Java language, which is a strong and well-known language and is the official language approved by Google for developing applications for this system. The second chapter is broader and goes beyond the idea of ​​programming exclusive applications for a specific system only, but enables you to develop hybrid applications that work on all operating systems, and this is because it depends on HTML5, JavaScript and a little CSS.

Programming Android Native Applications

Google provides a development environment called (Android Studio) in which it provides tools to create an application that is fully compatible with all devices which most mobile app development company in egypt, regardless of their specifications, screen size or type. Using this environment, it is possible to develop an application that works on tablets, smartphones and the rest of the devices that use this system without the need to write an application directed to each device. The company also provides a set of tutorials for how to get started in making the first application, and if you are a programmer, it is no secret that the first application will print the phrase “Hello World” for you.

Google offers you the key to the first door only and leaves the room for you to explore this world alone, and you are the one who decides in the end how many steps you want to skip inside it, and after learning the basics of dealing with the Android environment, it is recommended to focus on the Java language first, and the resources to learn this language are very many Among them are the Java language resources at Hsoub Academy, which you can then follow to the TUT+ site, which provides a series of free and paid lessons to master the Java language and understand the mechanism in which it works. Because the official sources are the best, a guide to teaching this language can be found from the official website of the language developer, Oracle. And last but not least The New Boston and Head First Labs provide a complete Java learning book for free.

After you fully familiarize yourself with the Java language and the Android development environment, you are now almost qualified to fly high in the Android sky, and you need to learn more about the existing libraries that allow you to deal with the components of the device completely, thanks to these libraries, you can and by typing only two lines launch the camera after pressing On the button you put inside your app, yes things are that simple.

Hybrid Android Applications

The second door that opens to you when choosing to develop Android applications is the door of developing hybrid applications that rely on web technologies (CSS - JavaScript - HTML) in building an application running on the Android and iOS operating system together using Webview, which is a combination of the characteristics of native applications and web applications. What this type of application lacks is its ability to exploit all the capabilities of the operating system's features, yet it offers an excellent user experience.


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