The main 7 Digital Marketing Goals

 One of the goals of digital marketing is to create a distinctive image for the customer, enhance the brand, and increase sales of products and services, and it is part of the complete marketing strategies, and this also applies to organizations and institutions that provide non-profit services such as charitable work, community activities, and others.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is mixing science with art, in addition to carrying out some activities to develop a strategy and an integrated marketing plan to reach the marketing goals using different tools, means, and online platforms, and each platform varies according to its purpose, use, and the quality of its audience.

7 digital marketing goals

The goals of digital marketing have become the focus of any digital marketing company in Egypt within the marketing process and plan as a whole (traditional and electronic). digital marketing is the first step to ensure the success of the product or service provided, as it is the most important way that helps significantly and quickly in achieving the goals of the company of different size and individuals as well.

Among the most important goals of digital marketing:

  • Brand promotion
  • Building a good relationship and permanent and continuous communication with customers
  • Spreading and gaining public trust and loyalty
  • Increase Sales
  • Get a huge database
  • Expansion into local markets
  • Access to global markets

Various digital marketing channels

There are many tools that make various digital marketing easier and faster. These electronic means and channels enable you to reach potential and target customers not only in the local area, but also around the world.

And their types are:

  • Social media marketing (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat)
  • Video platforms (YouTube)
  • Search engine optimization (keywords)
  • Search Engine Marketing (eg Google Ads)
  • Email marketing and newsletters


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